Water treatment Materials

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  Ferrous sulfate, also known as green earthworm or black earthworm, is a commonly used iron fertilizer on flowers and trees. It is easily soluble in water, can promote the formation of chlorophyll, make the leaves green and lustrous, and can effectively prevent plants from being caused by iron deficiency. Yellowing disease is also a regulator of soil acidity. Long-term use can change the acidity and salinity of the soil to ensure that the soil remains acidic!

  It can be used as a pesticide in agriculture, can control wheat smut, rickets of apples and pears, rot of fruit trees; food grades are used as nutritional supplements, such as iron fortifiers, fruit and vegetable coloring agents. It can also be used as a fertilizer to remove moss and lichens from the trunk. It is a raw material for the manufacture of magnetic iron oxide, iron oxide red and iron blue inorganic pigment, iron catalyst and polyferric sulfate.