Reheating Furnace Refractories

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Lightweight Brick Introduction:

Lightweight brick generally refers to foamed brick, which is made of high quality plate corundum and mullite as aggregate, composite silicalite as matrix, special additives and a small amount of rare earth oxide, and then molded by high pressure and fired at high temperature. Ordinary lightweight brick contains clay brick, high aluminum high strength drift bead brick, low iron mullite brick, high aluminum poly light thermal insulation brick, diatomite thermal insulation brick, etc.
Industrial kilns use lightweight bricks with low thermal conductivity and small heat capacity as the structural material of the furnace body, which can save fuel consumption; at the same time, because the kiln can quickly heat up and cool, it can improve the production efficiency of the equipment; it can also reduce the weight of the furnace body. Simplify the kiln structure, improve product quality, lower the ambient temperature, and improve working conditions.

Lightweight Brick Advantage:

1, Economy: Lightweight brick can reduce foundation cost. Compared with solid clay brick, using light brick can decrease overall cost.

2, Practicality: Using lightweight brick can increase application area, and insulation effect can be better.

3, Application property: lightweight brick has good processability, easier for construction. This brick is larger and lighter, can make construction work higher efficient, then shorten the construction period.